Donate to CNSLAB

If you would like to support the research of Dr. Pohl and his team in the CNS Lab through a tax-deductible gift, below are instructions for making a gift online or by check. If you would like to arrange for a personalized discussion around
options for giving that best fit your personal situation, such as a gift of securities or a bequest, please contact Medical Center Development at or 650.725.2504.
- Online gifts: Please follow the link and under Special Instructions/Further Designation box include the following:
"This gift is intended to support the research of Dr. Kilian Pohl in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences."
If you would like to make this gift in honor or in memory of someone, that option is always available. - Gifts via check:
- Make your check payable to: Stanford University
- In the memo line note: Research, Dr. Kilian Pohl, Psychiatry
- In your letter of transmittal, please note: "This gift is intended to support the research of Dr. Kilian Pohl in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences."
- Mail to:
Stanford Medical Center Development
485 Broadway, 4th Floor
MC 5470
Redwood City, CA 94063